
Coconut Energy Snack Bars, Delicious and Provides you with sufficient energy when needed. Just take a Bite!

My favourite flavours: Dark chocolate & Cooonut. What an Energy Provider!

After freezer, Can`t wait to cut this and have a little bite of it!

The End Result! Rawsome energysufficient Snacks, without any excess or added sugar. The darker the chocolate the less sweeter. Feel free to try different dark chocolate options!
Quickly boil coconut milk & shredded coconut to soften the texture.
Let it cool down. Then Place in a freezer for 30 minutes.
Peel almonds ( In this I used almonds with peel, tastes slightly different, deep flavour)
Melt the chocolate, preferably 90% or even 100% dark chocolate( Well, I am dark(est) chocolate lover so I prefer to go Dark option)
Place the almonds on top, Add the melted chocolate.
Finish with sprinkled sea salt on top to make the flavour perfect.
Place in a freezer another 30 minutes.
Cut in bar shapes.
- J -
