Coconut Energy Snack Bars, Delicious and Provides you with sufficient energy when needed. Just take a Bite! |
My favourite flavours: Dark chocolate & Cooonut. What an Energy Provider! |
After freezer, Can`t wait to cut this and have a little bite of it! |
The End Result! Rawsome energysufficient Snacks, without any excess or added sugar. The darker the chocolate the less sweeter. Feel free to try different dark chocolate options! |
Quickly boil coconut milk & shredded coconut to soften the texture.
Let it cool down. Then Place in a freezer for 30 minutes.
Peel almonds ( In this I used almonds with peel, tastes slightly different, deep flavour)
Melt the chocolate, preferably 90% or even 100% dark chocolate( Well, I am dark(est) chocolate lover so I prefer to go Dark option)
Place the almonds on top, Add the melted chocolate.
Finish with sprinkled sea salt on top to make the flavour perfect.
Place in a freezer another 30 minutes.
Cut in bar shapes.
- J -
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